Lime can raise the pH of soil in lawns.
If your turf grass is not looking its best -- it could be because of acidic soil. Agricultural lime, also known as ground limestone, a compound of calcium or calcium and magnesium, is a soil amendment that can benefit your grass turf.
Benefits of Lime
The main benefit of lime on turf grass is that it can counteract the harmful effects of acid soil. Lime reduces the toxicity of such elements as aluminum, manganese and iron. It aids in regulating zinc, copper and phosphorus while increasing bacterial activity.
Determine Lime Deficit
Test your soil to find out if your turf grass needs lime. Sending samples to a local extension office will give the best results. You can also purchase a soil test kit or pH probe from most garden centers and test it yourself. According to the University of Washington extension, turf grasses prefer a pH between 5.5 and 7.0.
When to Lime
Only add lime if the test shows you have acidic soil. The best time to apply lime to grass turf is when you are preparing the soil for planting. On established lawns, you can apply lime at any time of the year -- with fall as the best time, followed by winter and early spring.
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