Monday, April 22, 2013

Remove Vinyl Wall Sections In Trailers

A clawed hammer is the only tool you need to remove vinyl wall panels from trailers.

Vinyl walls in a trailer are not entirely made of vinyl. They're a form of vinyl-covered drywall with a core generally consisting of luan or gypsum. Removal of a vinyl panel is much the same as removal of a drywall panel. First you have to crack through the panel itself, then you pull away the pieces.


1. Place a drop cloth onto the floor lining the base of the wall to catch debris from the vinyl paneling as it falls. Also cover the surface of any furnishings in the room with drop cloths.

2. Run a stud finder over the vinyl wall panels and listen for the beeping sound or watch for the visual sensor alerting you to a stud's location. Mark the location of the studs with a marker on the vinyl panels at about chest height so that you will be able to easily see the stud locations during panel removal.

3. Put on a pair of safety goggles. Choose a spot on a panel located in between two of the wall studs. Take a hammer and hold it so the side of the hammerhead is parallel to the vinyl panel. Strike the panel with a moderate amount of force with the hammerhead, breaking through the panel into the wall cavity.

4. Continue breaking through the paneling until it sits in pieces against the wall studs. Put on a pair of work gloves and then pull the pieces off the walls by hand.

5. Remove pieces from the wall studs by pulling the nails holding the panel pieces in place free with the claw end of the hammer. Continue in this maker, breaking through each section of paneling between studs, then pulling the broken pieces away until you've removed all of the vinyl paneling from the wall.

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