Monday, December 30, 2013

Use Drywall Primer Or Sealer

use drywall primer or sealer.

There are differences between drywall primers and sealers. Drywall primers are used to fill in the tiny holes and pores in drywall board. Sealers will absorb or penetrate the porous surface of the drywall. Primers and sealers create a smooth surface prior to painting. Latex primers dry much faster and are easily cleaned up. Oil-based primers penetrate the surface and adhere better, but are more difficult to clean up and take longer to dry. A good drywall primer/sealer product dries quickly, penetrates the surface and has excellent adhesion.


1. Chose the type of primer or sealer you want to use. If you are top coating with a color, a deep tint primer is recommended. Consult a local paint store to determine the best primer for your application

2. Use a spackle compound to fill any holes or scars in the surface of the drywall. Allow the product to dry and use sandpaper to make it smooth.

3. Clean the surface using a damp sponge or cloth. Let the surface dry completely.

4. Use masking tape to cover areas that are not to be painted. Lay down drop cloths to avoid getting paint on the floor. Open windows and doors to provide proper ventilation.

5. Pour half of the primer in a second container. Use the stirring stick, thoroughly mix product in both containers. Pour the paint back into the original container and mix again.

6. Pour the primer into a paint pan. Using the roller, apply even strokes to cover the entire surface. Work a three to four foot area at a time until completed. Reapply product if the coverage is not complete. Allow the primer to dry before applying the top coat. The color coat should be applied within two days or the primer will lose its binding properties and will require reapplication.

7. Clean all tools and work area.

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