Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Remove Construction Adhesive From Drywall

Construction adhesive can be difficult to remove from drywall. The paper face of drywall is easy to damage. If it is roughened by the removal of the adhesive, you may need to repair the surface with a coat of joint compound. Try to work the adhesive off gently. Avoid any method that will cause extensive damage to the drywall. If you find that the adhesive is impossible to remove or if its removal ends up causing severe damage, you may have to replace the drywall entirely.


1. Use water to remove the adhesive if it is still wet. Gently wipe it away with a wet sponge or cloth. Do not soak the drywall, as this can damage its surface.

2. Buy adhesive remover to remove dried construction adhesive. Citrus-based, soy-based and solvent-based are some common types of adhesive remover. These can all be found in your local hardware store. Alternatively, you can try using mineral spirits.

3. Apply the adhesive remover or mineral spirits to the dried construction adhesive. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Typically, the adhesive remover will need to remain on the dried construction adhesive for several minutes before being gently scraped away.

4. Scrape away dried adhesive with a flat tool, such as a drywall knife. This should be your last resort, as the paper face of the drywall will likely be damaged. Extensive damage to the paper surface will require a coat of joint compound.

5. Cover the area with a thick coat of joint compound, in the event that the paper face of the drywall has been damaged. Sand the dried joint compound with 100-grit sandpaper, if necessary.

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