Monday, December 16, 2013

Homemade Organic Soil Fertilizer

Homemade organic fertilizer is a thifty alternative to pre-packaged varieties.

Synthetic soil fertilizers contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous in pure forms to swiftly deliver needed nutrients to growing plants. Organic fertilizers consist of plant and animal matter that decomposes slowly, which provides plants with a longer-lasting supply of nutrition. While commercial preparations of organic fertilizers may be purchased at garden supply stores, they're often expensive. Cost-conscious gardeners can make their own organic fertilizer simply by combining a few ingredients together.

Making Homemade Fertilizer

The primary component of homemade organic fertilizer is seed meal, a vegetable oil byproduct that is used to feed livestock. Seed meal, which comes from sunflowers, soybeans, cottonseed and flaxseed, can provide plants with the same nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous found in commercial fertilizers. For a cheap and readily available alternative to seed meal, substitute grass clippings. Powdered limestone, known simply as lime, adds calcium to homemade fertilizer. Three common varieties of lime -- agricultural lime, dolomitic lime and gypsum -- may be added in any combination to the fertilizer recipe. Bone meal and kelp meal are optional additions that supply plant-friendly nutrients. Bone meal, made from coarsely-ground animal bones, provides an additional source of phosphorous, while kelp meal, made from dried seaweed, provides a wide variety of minerals that encourage healthy plant growth. These fertilizer ingredients may be purchased online and at gardening centers and farm supply stores. Buying in bulk quantities is the most cost-effective option. To make fertilizer, combine four parts seed meal with one part lime, one part bone meal and one part kelp meal. Measure the ingredients by volume, not weight. A large plastic bucket makes a good container in which to mix and store the fertilizer. As organic fertilizer is less potent than synthetic fertilizer, you will have to use more in the garden to achieve the same results.

Liquid Fertilizer

A nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer can give plants an additional boost. Any form of manure, except for the parasite-ridden manure of dogs and cats, may be used to make liquid fertilizer; however, nitrogen-rich chicken manure works particularly well. Combine manure with an equal amount of water and let the mixture brew for at least a week. To use as a fertilizer, combine one part of the manure mixture with ten parts of water before spreading it across the garden. A manure-free liquid fertilizer option can be made by mixing weed clippings with an equal amount of water and letting it sit for a minimum of three weeks. This mixture should also be combined with ten parts of water before use.

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