Friday, May 10, 2013

Prepare Wallboard For Painting

If you are getting ready to paint a room of your home it is important to prepare the wallboard for painting. If you paint without preparing the wallboard your paint job will show all of the wall's imperfections. When you do take the time to prepare the wallboard your paint will be smooth and flawless. Preparation can make all the difference when it comes to painting a wall.


1. Use a screwdriver or a hammer to remove all screws or nails in the wall that held up wall art. Make sure not to miss any. Do not remove the nails or screws that hold the wallboard to the wall. If these are sticking out, pound them in with the hammer. New screws or nails will need to be inserted once the wall is finished for wall art.

2. Use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand any spots on the wall that stick up above the surface. The edges of the nail or screws holes will likely need to be sanded and made smooth with the wall surface. Sand out any previous paint drips or runs. Even if you are mudding the surface, these things need to be sanded down. Mud will burr over them, and they will show through your paint as bumps.

3. Fill your mud pan with sheetrock mud. Use a mudding knife to apply mud to the walls. Use the knife to smooth the mud across the wall surface. Cover the entire surface of the wall for the most flawless paint finish. The mud is used to fill in cracks, chips, dents, nicks, scratches and holes in the wall. Make sure to fill in all nail and screw holes completely. Use the blade of the knife to smooth the surface of the wall in order to remove burrs or ridges in the mud. Don't worry if you can't remove them all.

4. Use a fine-grit sandpaper to sand off any burrs or edges left from the mud. Sand until the wall is perfectly smooth. Wear a mask when sanding.

5. Clean up the mess with a shop vacuum, and dust the wall off with a soft cloth. You will want to make sure that there is no dust remaining on the wall when you paint.

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