Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Use Key phrases On Apartment Advertisements

Use proper keyword techniques when advertising your rental property online.

The rental property market is quite competitive, and you should use every tool at your disposal to stand out. When you list an ad for your property online, make sure prospective customers can easily find it in the search engines by using proper on-page optimization techniques, particularly using keywords properly. The SEOMOZ website calls keywords fundamental, and "the building blocks of language and search."


Selecting Your Keyword

1. Think of a few key phrases you believe someone searching for your rental property might type into a search engine.

2. Type the keyword terms in a keyword tool, such as Google AdWords or WordTracker. If using the Google AdWords' tool, be sure to check the box marked "exact" in the lower left corner of the screen and uncheck the box marked "broad." If you are trying to rent a property in Las Vegas, for instance, one of the keywords you list might be "rentals in Las Vegas."

3. Assess the results that come back to see which keyword phrases have the most searches. The numbers reflect the approximate number of times someone searches for that particular keyword each month. Each tool will also suggest other similar keywords and their search numbers.

4. Choose a keyword to use in your rental ad. If you typed "rentals in Las Vegas" into Google AdWords, for instance, you may see that it receives less than 500 searches per month, but "Las Vegas rentals" receives almost 2,500.

Using Your Keyword

5. Incorporate the primary keyword phrase into the title of your ad. If you chose "Las Vegas rentals" as your keyword, your title might read "Las Vegas rentals - 4-Bedroom Home With Views."

6. Use the keyword in the first sentence of the property description. Make sure to use the exact keyword without any variation. If the keyword is "Las Vegas rentals," do not change it to "Las Vegas rental."

7. Work the keyword into your property ad one to two more times if possible, depending on the length of the article, or roughly once for every 75 to 100 words. Using the keyword too much can hurt your rental property ad in the search engines, as they may view it as keyword stuffing.

8. Add your keyword to the section marked "tags," if it is available.

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