Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Append Clay Soil

Clay soil tends to be compacted and have poor drainage.

Clay soil is also called heavy soil. It contains a low amount of organic matter and has little texture that maintains the structure of the soil. Wet clay soil becomes compacted when worked, dug or walked on. Extremely compacted soil may take years of appending to fix. Clay soil never becomes ideal garden soil, but it can be improved with treatments. Eventually the clay soil will form small grains and crumbs that will stay throughout the years.


1. Break the clay soil up with a spading fork, not a shovel, which will create more soil compaction. Loose soil allows seedlings to root and grow. Turn the soil over to the depth of 24 inches and break up large clods with the side of the fork. Leave the clay soil exposed to the sun and air until dry.

2. Sprinkle the soil lightly with water to soften the clay clumps. Rake the clumps so they break up. Allow the clumps to dry again. This will allow most of the clumps to break up.

3. Spread 8 inches of organic matter that breaks down quickly. This improves the clay soil texture and adds nutrients. Use compost, well rotted animal manure, plant material and leaf mold. Mix this organic material into the loose clay soil with a garden hoe.

4. Add 4 inches of slow-decaying organic matter to fluff up the clay soil and fix poor-drainage issues. Use peat moss, straw, sawdust, rice hulls and shredded bark. Mix the organic materials into the top 8 inches of clay soil.

5. Apply 2 pounds of complete fertilizer for every 100 square feet of space. Use slow-release fertilizer like 5-10-5, 8-8-8 or 12-12-12. Mix the fertilizer thoroughly into the top 6 inches of clay soil. If the leaves turn yellow and plants do not grow well in the early summer, than apply more fertilizer to fix the lack of nutrients.

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