Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spackle Plaster Crack Repairs

Use spackle to make repairs to drywall in a home.

As a house settles, the walls and ceilings can be placed under enough stress to cause damage resulting in cracks. Spackle is a compound commonly found in the form of a paste and is made from powdered gypsum and glue. It can be used to repair dents, holes and cracks in a wall.


1. Remove any loose pieces of paint or debris around and inside the crack with the hose of a vacuum cleaner.

2. Open a container of spackle. Dip a putty knife into the container and remove a small amount. Place the lid back on the container to prevent the spackle from drying out.

3. Place the spackle on the crack in the wall. Hold the putty knife at a 45-degree angle and draw the knife along the crack to force the spackle down into the crack, filling it completely.

4. Use a trowel to smooth the spackle so it is flush with the wall. Allow the paste to dry.

5. Sand the crack if necessary once the spackle dries to level the repair, then paint as needed.

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