Thursday, January 31, 2013

Repair Leaking Metal Gutters

It is important to keep your gutters free of debris to help to prevent holes from developing

Leaves and debris left in a metal gutter accrue moisture and cause corrosion. When gutters leak, they allow water to drip close to the structure and leak into the structure's foundation. Water has the ability to damage a structure's foundation and lead to costly repairs. A leaking gutter also allows water to seep into the structure causing water damage to walls and ceilings. A simple metal patch will patch holes in a metal gutter and is worth the effort to save the expense of making costly repairs to a foundation or walls and ceilings.


1. Clean the damaged area with a wire brush and coarse-grit sandpaper to remove rust. Wipe away any dust with a rag.

2. Cut a section of fiberglass mesh tape with scissors to 1 inch larger than the damaged area. Apply roofing cement to the damaged area with a putty knife. Press the fiberglass mesh tape down into the roofing cement.

3. Spread a layer of roofing cement over top of the fiberglass mesh tape with a putty knife and feather the edges to prevent obstruction. Let the roofing cement dry.

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