Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Very Best Changes For Gardens With Clay Soil

Compost leaves and add as soil amendments for clay.

Clay soil retains water and doesn't allow roots of plants in the garden to breathe well. Compact clay needs amendments mixed in to the top 8 to 10 inches to allow water and oxygen permeability and drainage. Clay gets sticky and heavy when wet and extremely hard when dry. The best soil amendments can be either organic or inorganic. Organic matter breaks down quickly, so you must add it regularly. Amending clay is not a quick-fix solution; it will take a few years for the soil to improve substantially.

Decomposed Plant Material

One of the best ways for home gardeners to add amendments to clay is with decomposed plant material. Leaves from trees, grass clippings, scraps from vegetables or spent annuals or perennials all work well. Let the material get dark and flaky, with an earthy smell. Work this into the clay soil often, to a depth of 2 to 4 inches, to encourage root growth and aeration. If you don't have enough compost, purchase it at a garden center or nursery.


Adding organic soil amendments lightens the soil consistency and adds nutrients. Well-rotted manures are a good source of humus or organic matter for yard and garden soils, according to Craig Cogger, a Washington State University Extension soil scientist. Cogger writes, "Add no more than 2 inches of organic matter to garden soil each year. Use much less if the organic matter is rich in nutrients, such as fresh animal manure."

Green Manure

Some of the best amendments for an expanse of clay soil are green manures. These are cover crops planted in clay, and after a period of time, worked into the soil, adding nutrients and organic matter. Some effective green manures for clay are clover and rye grass.

Other Choices

Pea gravel can break up clay.

In some areas, gardeners can find finely ground nuggets sold as "pine bark mulch." These are an excellent soil amendment for clay, best when used as straight pine bark without soil mixed in. Another choice to improve drainage is pea gravel, about 3/8 inch in diameter; non-organic, it won't break down. You can also add purchase top soil as an amendment for clay, but only if you mix it deeply into the soil.

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