Friday, February 21, 2014

Helpful Methods To Increase Soil Conductivity

Add compost to your garden to improve its conductivity, among other benefits.

Gardening and a discussion of conductivity don't initially seem to relate. Yet it has been shown that soil quality, as well as crop yields, can be improved with higher levels of conductivity. This measurement gauges how well a soil system can transfer nutrients into plants. Several soil additives do more than solely augment conductivity; they improve the soil with both short- and long-term benefits. Gardeners should take care not to add too much of any one amendment to a patch of soil.


1. Work gypsum into the soil. This soil amendment improves hydraulic conductivity. It offers myriad other benefits as well: it stabilizes organic matter in the soil, decreases dust erosion, and prevents diseases such as blossom end rot, to mention just a few of gypsum's assets. Add 20 pounds of gypsum per 1,000 feet of soil.

2. Supplement your soil with generous helpings of compost. It improves how soil retains moisture, an important factor in increasing conductivity. Compost is also exceptionally rich in important nutrients, such as nitrogen. It also attracts and feeds earthworms, indicators of healthy soil ecology. Coat the soil with four inches of compost, then work it into the top six inches of soil.

3. Choose organic fertilizers that have potassium. This nutrient can increase the soil's salinity, which is directly correlated to its electrical conductivity. Too much potassium, however, can destroy soil's natural balance. Kelp meal and greensand are excellent, gentle sources for potassium; they also improve soil life with chelated nutrients and good bacteria, respectively. Apply greensand at 25 pounds per 1,000 feet; 10 pounds for the same area is the best application rate for kelp meal.

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