Monday, March 31, 2014

What's Osb Sheathing Employed For

OSB sheathing can be extremely useful in building projects.

Oriented strand board (OSB) sheathing is a special type of engineered wood paneling that is often used by builders in place of plywood in various carpentry projects.


OSB sheathing is a structurally engineered type of board that is composed of strands of wood that have been pressed together and bonded with resin. Because of this, OSB sheathing is stiffer and more durable than most structural panels with the same dimensions.


OSB sheathing is most commonly used for sheathing various parts of your house. Sheathing is a process is in which a layer of boards is applied to the surfaces of a building so that those surfaces can be strengthened. You can use OSB to sheathe walls, floors and even outdoor decks.


When it comes to sheathing roofs, walls and floors, OSB is superior to most structural panel materials, particularly plywood. Its unique composition allows it to be stronger, more rigid, more durable and easier to work with. Its structure also leaves it without the knotholes that weaken normal sheathing boards.

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