Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Install Pegboard

A pegboard helps organize tools, sports equipment or toys. Installing a pegboard is relatively simple with basic carpentry skills, but it needs to be done properly do make sure it can hold the weight of items you will be placing on it.


Install Peg Board

1. Measure the size of the pegboard you are installing. Trim it with the saw if you are installing a smaller sections of pegboard in areas such as washroom or near a desk.

2. Measure the wall you are installing the pegboard on. Place marks where the pegboard dimensions will start and finish to keep you on target.

3. Use the stud finder to determine the solid sections of the wall that you can attach the pegboard frame securely into. If you don't attach the pegboard frame into studs, the weight can cause the drywall to sag and crack, possibly causing the wall to collapse on itself. Mark the studs.

4. Measure and cut the strips of wood to the size of the pegboard. Cut several extra wood strips the same length as the vertical strips. These extra strips will be additional center support columns. Drill the frame and horizontal strips in to the studs on the wall.

5. Measure the pegboard and mark the sections every six inches to match the frame the frame and support columns.

6. Drill the pegboard into the frame mounted on the wall. Place screws on the corners and every six inches where you marked the pegboard in Step 5.

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