Monday, March 24, 2014

Calcium Chloride For Plants

Calcium chloride is a white crystalline chemical substance.

Calcium chloride as a chemical has been used for more than 100 years in various ways in industries, food processing and health areas. It is used in a variety of industrial and consumer products, and is supplied in the form of flakes, pebbles, pellets, powders and solutions with varying concentrations. Its exothermic (production of heat when coming in contact with water) reaction property has been used for many years to prevent deposition of snow on the roads and highways in areas having high snowfalls. Calcium chloride is an important nutrient for natural plant growth.

Essential Micronutrients for Plants

Calcium chloride is made up of calcium and chloride elements. Normal growth, development and functioning of plants require both of these elements--calcium and chloride. They are used as micronutrients by plants that are used in many processes undergoing in plant cells such as photosynthesis. Plants generally obtain these elements from the soil for their use.

Effect on Plant Physiology

Plant physiology, including metabolic responses to salt stress, partially depends on calcium and chloride ions. High salinity could be detrimental to the plant health. Under this circumstance, the ameliorative action of supplemental calcium (in the form of calcium chloride) is crucial to alleviate high salinity stress. Other beneficial effects that calcium chloride has on plant physiology include membrane permeability and reduction in sodium ion concentrations.

Calcium Chloride Spray

Calcium chloride in some concentrations is also used as a spray to treat some diseases of flower and fruit-producing plants, including blossom end rot in tomatoes. These diseases may be caused because of calcium deficiency in the soil. It may also be used in tip burn of cabbage and brown or black heart of escarole and celery. In urgent situations, calcium chloride solution is sprayed on the foliage. However, external use of calcium chloride cannot supersede proper nourishment of soil to retain adequate amounts of calcium and water. Moreover, phytotoxic property of calcium chloride can harm plants, if used in excessive amounts.

Harmful Effects

Excessive amount of calcium chloride is harmful for the growth of plant and affects the roots, which may get burnt away because of the caustic irritant action of this compound. It is this alkaline caustic action that may also damage the leaves of the foliage and affect the vital function of photosynthesis, resulting in damage to vegetation.

Other Effects

Calcium chloride, though more costly than normal sodium chloride salt, is extensively used for soil fertility management because it is less toxic to plants. But excessive use of calcium chloride can harm the plants. Common symptoms include yellow or dwarf foliage and dieback of twigs. The adverse effect of calcium chloride is often reduced by the addition of gypsum to the soil. The rate at which gypsum must be applied will depend on the gravity of salt contamination.

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