Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Replace Drywall With Water Damage And Mold

Replace Drywall With Water Damage

If you have water damage on a part of your drywall--say, from a leaky roof over that spot or a plumbing problem--you don't need to replace the whole wall. If the damaged area isn't more than few square feet, you can cut it out and set in a replacement piece of drywall. It's important to work off studs so the new section is solid, and you'll need to plan on taping and sanding the seams over a few consecutive days.


1. Use your studfinder to locate the nearest studs on both sides of the damaged area. With your level, make two vertical pencil lines at the centers of each of the studs, with the lines running high enough and low enough to span the damaged area.

2. Use the level again to mark two level horizontal lines between the vertical lines, one above the damage, the other below it. You should now have a perfect square perimeter around the damaged area, with the vertical lines of the square centered on studs.

3. Use your screwgun to sink drywall screws along the vertical lines, half an inch outside the square and every 6 inches along the line.

4. With your drywall saw and razor knife, cut out the square at your pencil line. You should end up with a square hole in the wall, with half the widths of the studs visible on either vertical side, leaving the screws just outside the vertical sides to secure the nondamaged parts of the wall to the studs.

5. Cut your new piece of drywall an 1/8 inch smaller than the dimensions of the square. Set your level along your marks, running your razor knife along the edge of the level, then snapping the drywall at the line and cutting it away from behind.

6. Set the new piece of drywall in place in the hole. Use your screwgun to put screws along the vertical edges of the piece, into the studs.

7. Lay mesh drywalling tape over all four seams and spread drywall compound over the seams with your drywalling knife. Let it dry for a day, then hand-sand the drywall compound and apply a second, lighter coat of it along the seams. Repeat the process a third time, with the lightest coat, then give a final sanding and paint it.

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