Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Install Veneer Siding To Interior Colored Walls

Veneer siding gives the look of a rock wall with lower cost and higher stability.

Veneer siding comes in a variety of designs -- such as brick, stone and wood -- that are suitable for both interior and exterior use. Installing this veneer siding on interior painted walls requires significantly less work, as there is no need to create a moisture barrier as in exterior walls. The installer will need to plan the placement of the veneer siding and may have to cut the siding in places to fit gaps in the wall. Stone, wood and brick veneers will all use the same installation procedure against a painted wall.


1. Clean the painted wall where the veneer siding will be applied. Sand the wall surface thoroughly with a rough-grain sandpaper. Wipe off all traces of paint dust and dirt.

2. Find the studs in the wall and mark the location of both sides of each stud. Roll out the metal lath over one section of the installation wall. Attach the lath in place by screwing through the lath and into the studs in the wall with 2-inch drywall screws that have been passed through plastic washers. Set the drywall screws in place every nine inches along the studs.

3. Repeat for each vertical layer of lath required to reach the desired veneer siding height. Cut out pieces of lath if necessary to reach a height that doesn't line up with the lath height or to accommodate windows and doors.

4. Spread mortar with a mortar spreader, pushing the mortar back and forth until the mortar fills all the gaps in the lath and sticks out 1/8 inch from the wall. Smooth out the mortar.

5. Spread a half-inch layer of mortar on the individual veneer stones, bricks or other pieces and set them into place against the mortar quickly before it dries. Hold each stone against the mortar for 10 seconds until it is firmly in place. Work each piece into the wall like a puzzle. Cut stones if necessary to make them fit by using the chop saw or grinder.

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