Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fix Holes In Drywall

Medium-sized Hole in Drywall

Drywall can be damaged in any number of ways. From door handles to an exciting game of indoor football, the result is the same. Though the hole sizes will vary greatly, the method used to repair these holes is the same. All hole sizes require the same materials to fix and can be completed in a short amount of time, not including the time required for the drywall joint compound to dry. A skill like this will always be handy to have.


1. Cut the hole into a square shape with a utility knife. Place a piece of wood (like a short length of 2x4 lumber or a couple pieces of wooden lath) into the hole and secure it into place with drywall screws and a drill (as shown in the photo above). This wood will act as a backing and a support for the piece of drywall that will be used to fill the hole.

2. Measure the size of the hole and cut a small piece of drywall to fit the hole in the wall. Trim the piece of drywall to fit into the hole as needed, and secure the piece of drywall into place with drywall screws and a drill.

3. Spread joint compound over the screw heads and over the seams in the drywall with a joint knife. Cut a piece of drywall tape to fit over each seam in the drywall and press the tape into the joint compound with the joint knife.

While the joint compound is still wet, spread another layer of joint compound over the hole area. Do not mound the joint compound over the hole area; spread the joint compound and scrape the excess compound away with the joint knife so the joint compound is level with the rest of the wall. Allow the joint compound to dry completely.

4. Lightly sand the joint compound so it is flat and smooth. Apply another coat of joint compound over the hole area to blend the repaired area in with the rest of the wall so it is not obvious. Allow this coat to dry completely.

5. Lightly sand the joint compound so it is flat and smooth. Apply a layer of drywall texture from an aerosol can according to the directions on the can. Allow the texture to dry.

6. Paint a layer of drywall primer over the repaired area. Allow the primer to dry (usually about an hour or so).

Apply two coats of matching paint over the repaired area. Allow the paint to dry.

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