Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Remove A Bathroom'S Formica Wallboard

Remove laminated walls from your bathroom.

Formica is often installed in kitchens and bathrooms as a backsplash. Removing the Formica, a type of laminate, from the wall can get tricky because the Formica was most likely installed using contact cement. Contact cement is extremely sticky and will require some elbow grease to dislodge. There will naturally be some minor damage to your wall after you remove the Formica wallboard. Proceed slowly and be prepared to patch the walls when you are done.


1. Turn on the heat gun and let it get very hot. Hold the heat gun up to the edge of the Formica wall. Let the glue get hot for about five minutes. Slide a pry bar behind one edge of the wall.

2. Begin pulling the Formica away slowly. Work the pry bar further behind the wallboard. Apply more heat with the heat gun. Work the pry bar further in and leave it there to hold up that end of the wallboard. Continue applying heat and pressure from additional pry bars to pull off the Formica.

3. Put on goggles, a mask and gloves. Apply a thick coat of adhesive remover to the dried contact cement. Let the chemical remover sit on the glue for 20 minutes or until softened. Choose a past-type adhesive remover. It works better for walls because it won't drip down the wall.

4. Scrape the softened adhesive off of the wall with a wall scraper.

5. Patch any holes in the drywall with spackling compound. Dip the wall scraper into the compound and apply a generous amount into the hole, overfilling slightly. Let the spackling compound dry. Sand away the excess spackle until the wall is smooth.

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