Monday, November 11, 2013

Install Sheet Rock

A utility knife can easily cut drywall paper.

Sheet rock is an essential part of a finished room. It covers wiring, pipes, ducts and framing. Sheet rock can turn an unfinished house into a home. Learning hang and install sheet rock will save you money, but it is a big job. After sheet rock is hung, the joints must be covered and smoothed out. While hanging sheet rock can be done quickly and show immediate results, mudding the sheet rock is a messy job that takes several days. Both are important for a good looking sheet rock installation.


1. Measure the ceiling. Transfer the measurements to the ceiling pieces of sheet rock. Use a pencil or chalk line to mark the measurements on the sheet rock.

2. Cut the sheet rock to size. Score one side of the sheet rock with a utility knife. Snap the sheet rock from the other side, then cut the paper with the utility knife. Repeat this step with all of the ceiling pieces.

3. Cut holes for light fixtures, switches and electrical plugs, using a jig saw.

4. Screw the sheet rock into place on the ceiling. Recruit a friend or partner to help you hold the sheet rock while you screw it into the ceiling joists using drywall screws and a screwdriver. Screw all of the sheet rock pieces into place. Do not sink the screws too deep. If the head of the screw breaks through the paper, it will not hold the sheet rock in place.

5. Measure the wall with a measuring tape. Mark the measurements on the sheet rock, and cut the sheet rock to size using a utility knife.

6. Screw the sheet rock pieces in place with the help of a friend. Hold the sheet rock in place, and use drywall screws to attach the drywall to the wall studs.

7. Finish the room by mudding the joints with drywall compound and tape. Fill all screw holes with the compound. Spread a small amount of compound along the joints, place drywall tape over the compound and spread more compound over the paper drywall tape. Allow the compound to dry completely.

8. Sand the drywall compound until it has a smooth texture which matches the surrounding walls. Add more compound, as needed, until the walls are all smooth.

9. Prime and paint the walls.

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