Thursday, November 28, 2013

Good Supply Of Calcium For Plants

Crushed eggshells can provide calcium to plants.

Just as it helps to build strong bones in the human body, calcium helps plants form a sturdy cell structure. Calcium encourages plant growth and assists in fighting off diseases, like blossom end rot on tomatoes. Mix in calcium when you till your garden or give your plants a boost of calcium just under the root ball when you put them in the ground.


Add agricultural lime to your garden soil to help increase the calcium content. Lime comes in different compounds, including calcium carbonate and a blend of calcium carbonate and magnesium, and a variety of forms, like powder, granules and pellets. Primarily used to alter the pH of acidic soil, lime can also be used to provide a dose of calcium prior to planting. Spread a layer of lime before tilling to ensure it is thoroughly mixed into the soil.


When you use eggs in a recipe, save the shells and use them to provide additional calcium to your plants. Add the eggshells to your garden soil when tilling a large area, mix them in your compost pile or sprinkle a handful directly into a hole before you add a new plant. Wear garden gloves and use your hands to crunch up the eggshells before adding them to the soil or planting hole.

Calcium Tablets

To give individual plants an extra dose of calcium, add an over-the-counter calcium tablet to the planting hole. Use a mortar and pestle to crush a calcium tablet until it is just a fine powder. Or place the tablet into a bowl or saucer and use the back of a spoon to grind it into a powder. Sprinkle the dust of one crushed calcium tablet into your freshly dug hole before installing your plant.


Include gypsum in your garden or flower beds to help loosen compacted soil and to add a dose of calcium and sulfur for your plants. The quality of gypsum and the amount of nutrients it contains can vary depending on the area from which it was mined. Use a garden spreader to apply the gypsum. Do not use gypsum created from recycled drywall for agricultural purposes; it could contain contaminants that are not found in the mined variety.

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