Monday, July 22, 2013

Use Keywords And Key Phrases In Web Writing

Photo by Clix/

Using keyword phrases in web writing is essential if you want the search engines, and people, to find your writing. Think about your own Internet searches, they probably include two or three words, not just one word. One word is considered a keyword, but two or three words make up a complete keyword phrase. Using one or more keyword phrases in web writing is what will make your web writing discoverable.


1. Write a headline that contains one or two keyword phrases related to your topic. Using one keyword phrase will help search engines find your web writing, but using two keyword phrases will focus your web writing even more.

2. Find keyword phrases related to the topic of your web writing by using a free keyword popularity web site. Keyword popularity web sites list popular keyword phrases related to the keyword you type in to the search box. The list of resulting keyword phrases will be shown in order of overall popularity online, based on search queries at popular search engines. Using one of these keyword phrases instead of just one keyword will make your web writing easier for search engines to find.

3. Incorporate the keyword phrase in your web writing so the keyword density reaches three to six percent. Keyword density measures how many times the keyword phrase appears in your web writing, when compared to the rest of the text. Keyword density can be easily measured using any free keyword density tool that is available online.

4. Focus web writing even further by adding a second keyword phrase to the headline and to the article. For example, this article could have been focused to be written about using keyword phrases for celebrity news blogs, or an arts and crafts web site.

5. Learn use keyword phrases in web writing so the keyword phrases do not detract from the focus and thrust of the web writing. Let the keyword phrases flow naturally into the text of the web writing. Use synonyms of keyword phrases when possible, to help maintain a keyword density that is lower than six percent.

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