Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Apply Progressing Cement

Leveling cement is available in many forms, from pre-mixed products available in buckets of varying sizes, to dry mixes that require water to activate. The form the product takes when purchased does not matter as long as it is formulated to be smoothed over an unlevel or pitted subfloor. Floor tiles, linoleum, vinyl tiles, carpet and laminate flooring are a few flooring types that require a level subfloor before installation. Choosing a quality floor leveling cement is an important step in many flooring installations.


1. Sweep the subfloor with so it is free of contaminates (dirt, sand, debris, oil, wax and grease). Do not use chemical cleaners before installation. Sand, scrape, grind, hammer, chisel or use a stiff wire brush to remove any contaminates.

2. Warm the subfloor to 50 degrees F for at least 24 hours before the installation, and keep the subfloor at least 50 degrees F for at least 24 hours after the installation. For exterior applications, do not use leveling cement if rain, snow or freezing temperatures are expected within 24 hours.

3. Apply leveling cement directly to wood with a cement spreading trowel. Dampen concrete with a water spray bottle before applying leveling cement to concrete. Leveling cement can be applied in thicknesses from a feathered edge to one inch at the most. Apply leveling cement in ¼-inch layers at a time and allow each layer to dry before adding additional layers.

4. Allow longer dry times for thick applications or when humidity levels are high.

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