Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What Exactly Are Softfaced Hammers Employed For

Soft-faced hammers are used for jobs requiring less forceful hammering.

As the name suggests, soft-faced hammers have hammer heads (faces) made from synthetic materials like hard and soft rubber, or softer metals like copper. Some soft-faced hammers have interchangeable striking faces for specific uses. Unlike conventional steel hammers, soft-faced hammers deliver safe but effective blows to metal, wood or any other material which might otherwise been damaged by a conventional steel hammer.

Assembly Work

In wood work, certain types of soft-faced hammers are used to assemble furniture and other wood projects where no surface marking is desired. By gently delivering blows to the wood work surface, the soft-faced hammer protects the furnished surfaces and joints from being marred while securing the furniture piece.

Shaping Metal Sheets

By using a rubber mallet, which is a type of soft-faced hammer, workers can confidently deliver soft striking blows on sheets of metal like copper and bronze during manufacturing. The process of shaping the sheets with soft-faced hammers prevents dents or marks which are inevitable if a hard-faced hammer is used.

Jewelry Fabrication

Jewelers often use soft-faced hammers like the plastic hammer in their fabrication stage. With its extremely light weight, plastic hammers are used to chip away at fine stones to give them a unique shape without crushing them.

Home Maintenance

In the home, soft-faced hammers can do jobs that conventional hammers would be risky to use in. Such jobs include loosening tight door hinges or working near windows. Soft-faced hammers work where their hard-faced counterparts would cause damage to surfaces or home furnishings.

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