Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Estimate Wall Studs

Many home projects, from remodeling to hanging a television set or mirror, require locating wall studs. An electronic stud-finder is the best way to locate studs, but without such equipment, you can estimate the location of your studs with a simpler, old-fashioned technique and a few extra tips.


1. Locate a power outlet or light switch. The electrical wiring for these outlets and switches runs up and down the side of wall studs, so they are usually within an inch or so of a stud on one side or the other.

2. Rap on the wall with your knuckles. Begin directly above or below the outlet/switch and listen to the sound it makes. Then move laterally in both directions. The sound will become lower in one direction and higher in the other direction. The higher pitch indicates a stud.

3. Mark the spot where the pitch is highest. The sound will become harder and higher for a couple of inches and then begin to sound hollower on the other side of the stud. The point of highest pitch is the center of the stud.

4. Measure 16 inches from the center of the stud in either direction to locate other studs, which are almost always exactly 16 inches apart.

5. Perform the knocking test at the new locations to verify the stud's location. In rare cases, the studs may be 24 inches apart. Before you mark any stud's location, make sure to verify it with a knocking test.

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