Monday, February 11, 2013

Diy Partition For Any Metal Frame

Partitions fit into metal track frames.

Rooms can be separated into smaller rooms and hallways by adding partitions. Contractors also use partitions as fire barriers from rooms on the other side. Building a partition requires it to abut an existing wall, with the drywall seam covered over by drywall tape and plaster. You can install the framing of your choosing during new construction or renovation. Metal frames are easy to install, with tracking and headers holding the studs steady.


1. Sweep the area with the broom to clean the floor before installing the metal tracks. Measure the dimensions of the room and where to exactly place the partition. Place screws into the pre-punched holes of the track. Drill the track into the floor with the power screwdriver.

2. Cut the track with the saw with the metal-cutting blade so that it fits where there will be a door or hall going through the partition. Screw the track into the ceiling using the screwdriver and screws. Place metal studs into the track. Install the studs by spacing them 16 inches to 24 inches on center according to the building plans.

3. Install noggins, which are notched beams that surround the studs, about 12 inches apart on the studs. Drill steel screws into the end tabs of the noggins to secure to the metal studs.

4. Attach horizontal bridging if required by the building plans in place of the noggins. Screw horizontal joists to the studs with two screws. Place in drywall.

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