Friday, August 30, 2013

Is Organic Fertilizer Safe


Organic fertilizers are made from organic matter, generally bone, kelp, manure or plant debris.

When fertilizer is needed, the choice is either chemical or organic. Chemical fertilizers are made from synthetic materials and if used incorrectly are not safe for your plants or your health. When applied properly, organic fertilizers are safe; however improper use can make them dangerous as well.


One of the many benefits of using organic fertilizers is that it uses a natural process to break down, which allows the soil and plants to slowly feed and receive all of the nutrients.

Run-off Problems

Some organic fertilizers, such as cow manure, can run off during rains and pollute water sources. This causes imbalances in the water, which can affect the quality of aquatic life.

Dangers To Pets

Not all organic fertilizers are safe for pets. Fertilizers that contain bone and blood meal can be dangerous. The bone meal can create a concrete-like mass in the stomach, which can require surgery for your pet. Blood meal, if ingested, can cause vomiting and diarrhea.


Because organic fertilizers can be naturally or chemically synthesized, you should always read the ingredients on the label. If the ingredients list terms that you are not familiar with or can't pronounce, that's a sure sign to look further or create your own fertilizer.


The safest type of organic fertilizer starts in your kitchen. It's called compost and can be made from fruit and vegetable peels and coffee grounds mixed with leaves from your backyard.

Organic fertilizers also are available for purchase; however, you must read the label to see what ingredients are being used to ensure it's organic. Some of the more common organic ingredients in fertilizers are cotton seeds, kelp and gypsum. These ingredients are generally safe for human consumption.

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