Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Create A Tofu Mold

Tofu Mold

Tofu is made from coagulated soy milk. In order to make your own tofu, you need a tofu mold, which also can be homemade. One can choose from a variety of household items to fashion a usable tofu mold. The main requirement is that the mold must have drainage holes. The following instructions use a soy milk carton. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Making a Tofu Mold

1. Wash a soy milk container. Soy milk boxes are a good size and shape, and they hold tofu well. Using scissors, cut one side (front or back of the box), leaving a shallow tray. This tray is used for the mold. Save the cut side to use as a press later. Use the paring knife to punch several holes across the bottom and along the sides of the mold.

2. Dampen the cheesecloth. Line the inside of the mold. The cheesecloth will hold the unformed tofu, allowing liquid to drain out the bottom and sides of the box.

3. Set the tofu mold inside another shallow pan. The second pan catches liquid drainage from the mold. Once you have poured the tofu into the mold and covered the substance with the cloth, you can use the side that you saved as a press. Lay the reserved piece of box over the cloth that is covering the tofu. Press with hands to drain or place a weight on the top.

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