Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Create A Plaster Of Paris Rocket

Children are often fascinated by rockets.

Crafts that incorporate an interest, such as rockets, allow kids to develop a love for crafts. Making a rocket from plaster of Paris can develop a lifelong love of making molds and castings. Plaster of Paris is an inexpensive craft that can entertain kids and adults alike. Plaster of Paris can be used to make sculptures and molds. The castings made from Plaster of Paris are durable and long lasting. Your rocket will be around for a long time for you to enjoy.


1. Mix the plaster of Paris according to the directions. Make sure to measure the volume of the water and the plaster correctly. Incorrect measurements can change the consistency of the plaster.

2. Pour the plaster of Paris into the rocket mold. Be careful to not let any plaster remain on the sides of the mold. If there is plaster on the side of the mold, it will cause your rocket to be disfigured at the sections where there is excess plaster.

3. Allow the mold to dry a few hours until it is firm. The amount of time it will take your rocket to dry depends on the thickness of the plaster that you applied to your mold. The plaster should be firm to the touch, but it should not be hard.

4. Remove the plaster from the rocket mold. Do this carefully because the plaster will be firm, but if disturbed too much it can be broken.

5. Set the plaster in a safe, dry place to allow it time to dry and harden completely. The amount of time it will take to dry varies, but you should at least let the plaster dry overnight.

6. Paint the rocket.

7. Allow the paint to dry. Disturbing your rocket before the paint is dry can ruin your artistic efforts.

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