Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Treat Acidity Soil After Tree Removal

Evergreen needles can lower the soil's pH.

The litter from a tree, especially an evergreen, can turn the soil acidic over time. Once you remove the tree, the soil beneath it remains acidic for years. If you intend to re-plant the area, you will need to return the soil's pH to around 6.5, the optimal pH for plant growth. To do this, you need to know whether your soil is sandy, loam or clay and its current pH reading. Once you get to know the needs of your soil, use dolomitic lime to raise the pH. This natural substance will raise the soil's pH and replace some of the nutrients the tree leached out of it.


1. Determine how much dolomitic lime you need to raise the soil's pH to 6.5. Soil with pH of 6.0 needs 2 lbs. per 100 square feet for sandy soil, 3.5 lbs. for loam soil and 5 lbs. for clay soil. Soil with pH of 5.5 requires 4.5 lbs. per 100 square feet for sandy soil, 7.5 lbs. for loam soil and 10 lbs. for clay soil. A pH of 5.0 requires 6.5 lbs. per 100 square feet for sandy soil, 10 lbs. for loam soil, 15 lbs. for clay soil. A pH of 4.5 requires 8 lbs. per 100 square feet for sandy soil, 15 lbs. for loam soil, 20 lbs. for clay soil. A pH of 4.0 requires 10 lbs. per 100 square feet for sandy soil, 17.5 lbs. for loam soil, 23 lbs. for clay soil.

2. Mark off a circular area centered around the former tree's trunk and 1.5 times the diameter of the canopy of the former tree. Use string, spray paint or stones.

3. Till the soil to a depth of one foot with a hand tiller or shovel.

4. Spread the dolomitic lime evenly over the tilled area.

5. Mix the dolomitic lime evenly into the tilled portion of the soil.

6. Rake the surface of the soil smooth.

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