Friday, September 13, 2013

Dolomite Towards The Lawn

Keep dolomite limestone away from acid-loving ornamental plants.

Dolomite lime is made up of both calcium carbonate and magnesium. Gardeners use dolomite lime to raise their soil's pH to favor lawn growth. Most types of grass prefer to grow in soils that have a pH of between 6.0 to 7.0. Growing vegetation in soil that is too acidic results in malnourished plants. Liming is typically performed in the spring or fall when temperatures are moderate. If lime is spread during intense summer heat, grass may die out from dehydration.


1. Mow the lawn to the recommended height for your turf. For example, Bermuda grass is kept between 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches in height. Mowing the lawn reduces the amount of dolomite limestone that will stick to the grass blades. It is important to help the lime absorb into the soil.

2. Pour the amount of limestone you need in a drop spreader. The amount of dolomite lime that needs to be applied depends on the existing soil pH. For instance, gardeners that have a pH between 5.6 to 6.0 need 50 pounds of limestone spread per 1,000 square feet.

3. Push the drop spreader back and forth across the lawn following an imaginary line to achieve even coverage.

4. Apply 1 inch of water to the lawn. To figure out if you have applied 1 inch of water, place tuna cans in the lawn and measure the amount of water that accumulates inside of the cans. Wash off any limestone stuck to grass blades with a hose.

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