Thursday, September 19, 2013

Nutrient Or Chemical Analysis Of Soil Samples

Healthy soil contains the nutrients plants need to grow.

Plants need 13 different mineral nutrients to grow. They absorb these nutrients from the soil using their roots. Too much or too little of a particular nutrient can harm your plants, so test your soil before applying any fertilizers or soil amendments.

Soil Tests

Chemical analysis of a soil sample reveals the levels of essential plant nutrients found in your soil and the soil pH. Your local extension office may perform soil tests or can recommend a testing service.


Of the 13 essential plant nutrients, six are considered macronutrients, minerals required in relatively large quantities by plants. Soil tests will tell you the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. If the test discovers low levels of a nutrient, the test results will include fertilizer recommendations.


Soil pH plays a complex role in the health of your soil. As pH increases or becomes more alkaline, phosphorus and trace elements become less available. As the pH becomes highly acidic, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium become less available. You can alter soil pH with applications of lime to raise pH or sulfur to lower pH. Before changing your soil pH, however, check your plants' preferred pH. Some species, like blueberries and rhododendrons, grow best in an acidic soil.

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