Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Save Fertilizer Burned Grass

Keeping a lawn green can be challenging, requiring the right balance of water, weed control, and fertilizer. However, an incorrect application of fertilizer to your lawn, usually applying to much, can cause the grass to be damaged and turning it brown. This is because the nutrients in most fertilizers are mineral salts, and they can draw out the moisture from the grass, causing it to wither. When this happens, you must take action to try and save the grass.


1. Water the damaged areas of the lawn immediately and liberally. The goal in this method is to flood the area with a lot of water so as to flush out as much of the mineral salts as possible.

2. Purchase powdered gypsum from your local nursery. Gypsum will assist in removing the excess mineral salts from the lawn. It does this by binding with the salt ions.

3. Use a mechanical spreader to apply the powdered gypsum to the lawn at a rate of 10 pounds per 100 square feet.

4. Water the lawn continuously until the water begins to run off. Pause for about 10 minutes, and then resume watering until it begins to run off again. Repeat this cycle several times, until the water begins to immediately run off because the soil is saturated.

5. Give your lawn about a week to show signs of recovery. If it begins to show green, you have probably been successful in saving it. If not, you may have to reseed or re-sod the damaged area.

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