Monday, June 24, 2013

Lizard Speaker Wire Behind Drywall

Snaking speaker wire behind drywall is easier said than done in some cases. A number of obstructions are hidden behind drywall, like vertical studs, plumbing and electric lines. Solid horizontal fire stops can also be hidden behind drywall. A studfinder will help locate obstructions before you begin your project. Three strategies for feeding speaker wire include: vertically; horizontally; and from room to room, through the wall.


Running Wire Vertically

1. Determine the point at the floor where you want to feed speaker wire straight up to exit at a higher point on the wall. Drill a 1/2-inch hole at the point where you want the speaker wire to come out at the upper location.

2. Remove the base molding in the location where you are working using a small prybar or a hammer. Reserve the molding to replace after the wiring is complete. Cut a 1x6-inch section out of the drywall using a drywall saw. This cut-out should be directly below the top hole. It is important to keep the section no higher than 1 inch as it needs to be disguised when the molding is replaced.

3. Tie a 3/8-inch metal washer to a long piece of twine. Drop the washer through the upper hole, and allow gravity to take it down to your cut hole at the floor. Tape the twine at the top hole so that it doesn't fall through.

4. Wrap the speaker wire around the washer at the floor. Untape the twine at the top hole, and gently pull it until you can grab the wire. Pull the speaker wire out of the hole. Disconnect the string and washer.

5. Cut a 3/8-inch notch in the drywall just above the height of the base molding so the wire can stick out of the wall after the base molding is replaced. The speaker wire should not be pinched by the molding. Replace and touch up the base molding.

Running Wire Horizontally

6. Mark the points where the speaker wire will enter and exit the wall. Remove base molding. Saw a 1-inch high continuous section of drywall at floor level, discarding waste.

7. Tuck your speaker wire into the recess. Tape if necessary to secure.

8. Feed it up as described above, and replace the base molding. Cut a 3/8-inch notch in the drywall just above the height of the base molding at both the enter and exit points, where the speaker wire will stick out of the wall after the base molding is replaced. Replace the base molding.

Feeding Wire Between Rooms

9. Measure and mark points exactly in the same location on both sides of the wall.

10. Drill a 1/2-inch hole at the marked points on both sides of the wall. Stick an untwisted coat hanger or similar piece of heavy wire through the holes, from one side of the wall to the other.

11. Tape the speaker wire to the hanger, and pull it back through. Fill the voids in the 1/2-inch holes around the speaker wire with a small amount of painter's caulk.

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