Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Drywall Insulation Repair

Repairing insulation behind drywall means patching up afterward.

Most insulation problems can be fixed by simply adding more. This requires removal of little or no drywall in most cases. Gaps between windows and doors can be fixed by removing trim, and large sections of wall can be filled with blown-in insulation after cutting a few strategic holes. The only time you might need to remove more drywall is when you have to fill a gap left by a window or door that has been removed.

Insulating Window and Door Gaps

Remove the trim from around the window or door, exposing the gap between the frame and the wall studs. Spray in foam insulation from a can, filling the gap about half-full. The foam will expand to fill the gap and will bulge out a little. When it has completely dried, cut it flush to the wall with a utility knife and replace the trim. Be sure to use flexible foam insulation rather than the rigid type to prevent stress on the frame.

Filling Large Sections with Insulation

If a whole wall needs to be insulated, your best option is to blow it in with a rented blower. Make a series of holes on the top of the wall, between the studs, at 16-inch intervals--large enough to accommodate the nozzle and blow cellulose insulation into each hole until the bay in the wall is full. Pack the hole with a little spray foam insulation, replace the cut-out portion of drywall and patch it with joint compound. Wear a mask and cover all furniture while blowing, as it is a dusty affair.

Filling Spaces Left by Doors or Windows that Have Been Removed

If you have to remove a larger section of drywall to install fiberglass batt insulation, your best option is to remove one that extends from edges nailed to studs on both sides. This will be easier to replace than a smaller section cut out of the middle of the wall. Cut along the studs with a utility knife and saw the lateral edges with a drywall saw. Remove the section and install fiberglass batts with the paper side facing in toward the room. Then, cut out a new piece of drywall to cover the hole, install it with drywall screws and tape and mud the seams.

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