Monday, March 25, 2013

Strategies For Getting rid of Wallpaper Lining Before Painting

Wallpaper doesn't keep its appeal forever. Styles change, or paper becomes dingy and fades. When this happens, consider removing the wallpaper and painting the walls instead. Then cover the walls in a nice simple wall color that is less likely to become outdated and is coordinated with your furnishings. To take the wallpaper down, you'll need a few supplies to make the process easier.

Peel the Dry Paper

Try peeling the paper by hand first. Slip a knife blade under the corner of a piece to pry it loose. Once loose, pull the paper and an angle to remove. Don't pull straight up or down because that may rip the section of paper, making it more difficult to remove. If the wallpaper was made in the last decade or so, it may be the type that was designed to peel off.

Use Triple Action

For paper that is secured to the wall by glue, removal can be messy. Put down a plastic sheet to catch water drips. Score the wall paper, then wipe a section of wall with a wet rag. The rag must be sopping wet to help loosen the glue. Apply heat with a hair dryer. Attempt to pull off the paper after you have heated the area. Or use a steamer to wet the area and heat the glue at the same time. Hardware stores sell steamers.

Spray With Solution

Score the paper first if not already scored. Then spray the wall with a wallpaper removing solution mixed with water as directed. Allow it to sit for a 5 to 15 minutes, then try to peel off the paper. The chemicals in the remover get behind the paper through the score marks and react with the glue to neutralize it. Spray solutions works for old wallpaper that has difficult adhesive.

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