Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reduce the effects of Dog Urine In The Earth

Dog urine will kill your grass.

Dog urine is high in nitrogen. The nitrogen in dog urine will cause your grass to turn brown. Female dogs are particularly rough on grass because they tend to stay in one place to urinate while males tend to move around. With a few tips and a little animal behavior modification, you can repair your burned yard.


1. Plant grass that is more resistant to dog urine. If your yard is established, you can spread seed into your yard to help minimize the effects of dog urine. According to Dog Spoiling Made, fescue and perennial ryegrass both work to minimize the effects of dog urine. However, make sure these grasses will work in your climate.

2. Aerate the soil beneath the areas where your dog goes the most. To do this, spread gypsum over the area. You can also add brown sugar and water to the area. This will attract worms and aerate the soil to allow the nitrogen in the dog's urine to move away from the surface faster.

3. Set up an area where you want the dog to urinate consistently. A layer of smooth river gravel gives the dog an area where it will not hurt the grass. You can spray the gravel clean with a hose to prevent smell build-up from the nitrogen in the gravel. With some training, you can teach your dog to use this area and protect your grass from nitrogen poison.

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